Friday, February 11, 2011

Blue-eyed Boy

So, I decided I should get some practice photographing babies that are a little older. Newborns are easy because they will sleep through most anything.

My precious baby, Isaiah, is almost 5 months old and so active already! It's hard to get a shot of him being still! He also REFUSED to look at the camera! Not sure why... maybe he's tired of that "black thing" always in his face???

I'm so thrilled with this shot, though. My very favorite of him, so far.


  1. O so beautiful! Now I am off to try some of my babes...

  2. Your children are gorgeous :) The baby! Awe! Just adorable :)

  3. I can't believe how big he's getting. Seems just like yesterday that you had him. Beautiful eyes.

  4. How lovely to come back and find this news. Congratulations! Better late than never.

  5. happened upon your blog and love your pictures


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