Thursday, October 30, 2008

Pumpkin Carving

Continued list of Thanksgiving:
1. Pumpkin carving the other day.
2. Daddy helping the boys so that I could take pictures and sit back to enjoy the scene.

3. Marcus saying, "I'm so excited!" as he carves out the seeds for roasting.

4. The glow of anticipation on his face as he waits for Daddy's help with his pumpkin.

5. The happy glow of pumpkins lit in a row on the steps.

6. And a marshmallow roast with friends last night in our backyard.

7. The sound of children running and playing in the dark.

8. The swirl of light as flashlights held by little hands swoop back and forth in the night.

9. The warm glow of firelight and wonder on smiling faces as marshmallows turn golden at the ends of twigs pulled from trees.

10. Tired 6 yr. old saying in a soft sweet voice, "Can I go to bed now, Dad?" as friends pull out of the driveway.

11. A hug from said boy and a whisper of, " I had lots of special things today, eh mom?"

"Yes you did, my son, WE ALL DID."


  1. Ahhh, so sweet! by the way thanks for all the comments on my blog, now I can really understand how nice it is to get them!

  2. You will not regret taking time to do those special things with your family and friends. Beautiful pictures. What's not to love about all that? Pumpkins, sitting around the firepit, friends and marshmallows.
    I am sure that the feeling of fullfilment you get during these times is just overwhelming.
    Happy Autumn


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